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High Agreement [An e-mail sent to the Generals:]
Atten: Gen. J. Green Gen. D. Green
Scenario: Recon Boulder Pearl Street, Mall, Colo. [Colorado]
IntelOPS: Personal friend for 15 years, still not a Believer, accompanies me for conversation. Showing continued curiosity about my mission.
History: 1980 Inducted. Boulder—primary combat zone. 6 yrs. Guerilla actions. Platoon from Hillside Church of the Savior acquires approx. 150 new inductees. Camp Commander—Village OPS Belize, C.A. [Central America], 1986-1989. Mission: Housing OPS, direct in-house heart-to-heart combat. COHAB. Personal funding of operations, viz: no Churchianity Counterintel and Directives. R&R: Several Christian summer camps in Colo. as a counselor, mainly Horn Creek and Easter Seal Hundi Camp.
Event: Discovered “Jesus the Revolutionary” Book #5 amidst mundo-propaganda mind-control scrib-baal. New York Times, Daily Camera, Westword, ad. naus.
Opinion: High agreement concerning Agx Mi Tr Corps counter-propaganda.
Informed: Battle history mentioned on page 4, 5, 10, 14.
Appreciation: your contact point Battle Cry Sounding—WINB Frequencies www.aggressivechristianity.net livingword@aggressivechristianity.net
In Christ’s Resurrection and Love...Salute, JAH Rainbow Spec Ops Elite Corps-Tactics and Comm/Specialist 7th Order Our Reply:
Dear JR, Combat greetings from ACMTC H.Q. Good to know that there are more frontline soldiers for Christ doing what Jesus, our Captain in WAR, commands us to do! We would like to offer to you and all our readers our set of “The Revolutionary Way” booklets, 1-8, free! [And look for more to come!] If you think Jesus started these things called “churches” out there, better read these booklets plus many more along these lines. As we’ve traveled this troubled world we’ve seen many of our fellow soldiers keep their sangfroid (“composure under trying circumstances”) in the face of danger. Others have turned tail and run like a frightened dog. God is calling for a people, a semper fidelis people who will ALWAYS be and remain faithful. Mere Churchianity weakens one’s faith, not strengthens it. This is why, no doubt, the enemy is roaring and scattering so many “Christians” in this hour. So many churchgoers are playing Russian roulette with the world’s people. It is time for God’s true people to “shape up and be shipped out” to the world’s combat zones. Too many churches have over their doorpost “R.I.P.”, “Rest In Peace”, because they are quite DEAD!!
Over and out. Gen. Jim |
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General James Green
P.O. BOX 90
BERINO, NM 88024
HC 60, BOX 11
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